Monday, December 8, 2008

things that are bouncing around my head right now

so scattered today. thought I would update without committing myself to staying on task. . .

Christmas cards are to be mailed TODAY!! and I made them. . .as in from scratch. : ) Please take a moment and realize how special you must be to get one of my Christmas cards. . .ok, carry on now.

Kev will be changing job sites (and companies) soon. We hope he'll still be 2-3 hours away, but we don't know. . .He mentioned Maryland and New Mexico on the phone this morning. . .

My friend, Erica is selling her house in Berryville, Arkansas. If you know someone interested, pass on the blog address. (Go HERE to check it out.)

The kids and I went to the Green Forest Christmas Parade on Saturday. It was a blast, and I won a $25 gift certificate to Geraldi's, which has amazing Italian food around here! Kady was so excited to tell Kevin about seeing Santa Claus and getting candy. Kyler got to help keep everyone in line by running forms back and forth to the judges and parade officials. . .We know so many people in high places ; ) . . .

One of my favorite things in the whole world is a Diet Dr. Pepper from Sonic. Apparently, not all Sonics are created equal, as my dad, Kady, and I apparently got varying degrees of food poisoning from a local Sonic. . .(All I can say is "Go west, go west for your Sonic cravings!!) Anyway, I think I'm back from the dark side of food poisoning. . .

THIS is what Kady's getting for Christmas (little people magic shoe fairy cottage). I'm not sure what Kyler's getting. . .He wants a Nintendo DS Lite or about any of the Scheich (sp?) animals he has been collecting. . .

That's all I've got right now. . .I'm sure I'll think of something amazingly witty later. . .or then again, maybe not. : )


Elizabeth said...

The parade sounds like fun! We missed ours this past weekend. But I will pick up my (non-homemade) Christmas cards today and get them out.

You love Sonic too? At least the drinks? Check my blog today!

steffj89 said...

i am sooo craving a cherry limeade, but the sonic nearest us makes them too sweet...
i dont remember if i ever asked is Kev w/ the 798?
C started a new job yesterday in Ohio, but will be home on the 21st for a few weeks....
i am really hoping lil man makes his appearance early next week.
this mostly bedrest crap is for the birds

Erica said...

Thanks for the shout out for my house!!! That was really sweet. I drove by your work yesterday(had to go to BV to take Gracie to the dentist) and I thought about you and said a little prayer for you as I drove by.
I'm sure it's really hard for your hubby to be away so much. I prayed that God would give you all the strength and patience to be both mom and dad on all those days when he's far away.
Hope you have a GREAT day!

CC said...

Good luck with the job change! Hope it's super close by.

PS never had Sonic

Anonymous said...

You are so like my girlfried, she gives me the most adorable scrapped christmas cards how you both find the time to do them is beyond me...makes my little store bought ones kinds