Tuesday, October 27, 2009

not one of our better parenting moments*

***Warning: This post is the least family-friendly post I've ever posted. You might NOT want to let your kiddos read this. You know, do as I say and not as I do. . .***

I let Kyler listen to a song that was questionable in nature. OK, not so questionable. It was inappropriate. I let him listen to the song by the Zac Brown band titled "Toes in the Sand." The song begins "I've got my toes in the water, *ss in the sand. . ."

(In my defense, I'm in desperate need of a vacation, and the song makes me feel like I'm on a beach somewhere. . .)

I know. Who knew he was actually listening to this stuff. . .

Anyway, after explaining that he could listen to it but he had to sing it the edited-for-radio version (toes in the water, toes in the sand. . .), I stupidly thought all was well.

Until we got to the phrase about rolling a big fat one.

Yup. You read that right.

Of course, he wanted to know what that meant. I used the age old response of all parents who are chicken: "Ask your dad!"

I then mentioned to Kev that this was coming.

Kev & Kyler had some daddy-son time this weekend, whereupon they discussed rolling a big fat one. Yes, we are JUST LIKE the Cosby family. . .

Apparently, it means you roll a big fat girl across the sand at the beach.

I'm not sure what's worse: the answer Kev gave, the fact that that answer was way better than what I would have said, or the fact that I let him listen to such an inappropriate song in the first place. . .

So, if you can, please resist calling DHS long enough to tell me about your uh-oh parenting moment. Please? And I'm totally available to babysit anytime. . .


Bethany said...

OK so Brittney Spears has a new song out about threesomes and they play it on the radio and I heard Bella singing it yesterday. I think it's time to change the radio station.
Also to make you feel better, when my brother was a baby my mom put him on top of the car in his carseat and started to drive off before someone stopped her and told her.

Dejoni said...

My just turned three year old knows the whole song by heart too. Don't feel bad. In this day and age, if it's the worst my kids do...I'll be happy!!!
Once I let my oldest listen to Kid Rock when she was little. She caught on to the Cowboy song real quick. LOl.
You'd think I'd learned my lesson.

Joy Tilton said...

It's the world we live in so our kids are going to hear and see, it's the values you teach that will keep them ok. You aren't a bad parent for having a radio! Come over to GrannyMountain to see where candycorn comes from...

Anonymous said...

oh lord girl if thats your idea of horrific parenting then they are gonna ship me off somewhere bad...my kids know that one and several others. my fav recent interpretation is part of the Jason Aldean song Shes Country....
the song line is
"crazy mother trucker, my undercover lover"

well lets just guess which words the kids confused there now.....yes if you guessed trucker was incorrectly pronounced making it a naughty word you would be correct.
and by the way Keif apparently went ot school and told the teacher he learned a new game this summer. apparently everyone is to throw their quarters in a jar and yell drink.....
do you know it was the only time i have played quarters since Tech...my best friends hubby was out of town for a week w/ her two oldest so she came over with the daughter thats my kids age. She wanted to play drinking games....so we obliged.

i cant even drink two beers in a row and his teacher now thinks we are a bunch of alcoholics....lovely.

Lucrecia said...

Have you ever really listened to the words of Greased Lightening??

We love the Toes song, thankfully my children haven't picked out the rolled one yet!

Rachel said...

LOL! I love it! I have had many horrible parenting moments - not to worry. Luckily, I've blocked them all from my short-term memory so I can't give an example right now.

(At least that's the party line)

Wheelie said...

Hard work isn't it? I have a 12 year old.

I found they pick it up from their mates, from school. But little ones have no idea what their singing. It's just noisy fun for them. At 12 though, they've been around enough to get a glimmering of understanding about lyrics, so I just explain why I think it's wrong...

To quote Joycee "It's the world we live in so our kids are going to hear and see, it's the values you teach that will keep them ok."

Jenn said...

Well, I must be a bad parent too. Do you know that at 4 years old Todd could sing every single American Rejects song, but had never heard "Row, Row, Row Your Boat?"