Wednesday, March 11, 2009

bubble for sale? (and bathroom humor)

We survived. If you've never experienced a 2 1/2 year old enduring allergy testing, you're not sure what an accomplishment that is! We survived, and Kady actually did really well. (I ended up cancelling the ENT appointment, because we just couldn't make it.) It turns out my daughter is allergic to "springtime" (e.g., pollens, etc.) among other things, so I'm gearing up for a fun month. She's also allergic to cats and dogs. There goes my dream of her opening Kady's Kat Kennel. . .

Apparently, her allergies will most likely get worse before they get better. (Because she's lucky like that. . .) Around five years of age, she will probably begin allergy shots. Until then, my child has the medication list of a 90-year-old. (If Kady had been born first, we couldn't have afforded having any more kids. . .) I think if I can find a bubble that fits, it should help me keep her asthma-free. . .Anyone have a bubble for sale?

In other (unrelated) news, Kady is doing great with the potty training. She went potty in the restroom at Red Robin. Red Robin, please note that it would be appreciated if you could lower the volume on those flushes or at least reduce the echo to a reasonable level. . . I thought it would scare her to death when she heard it, but she just looked at me with huge eyes. I said, "Boy, that was really loud, huh?" She nodded and said (with all seriousness), "There's a monster in that potty."


JenT said...

lol...that's funny. I've had a few that were scared of loud public potties, too.

Debbie said...

I'm sorry about the allergies. That really stinks.

Stephanie Wetzel said...

The worst are the self-flushing public potties.

My 6yo still begs me to come in with her so I can "cover the eye" since the sensor can't see anyone under 5 feet tall.

Sorry about the allergies. All 3 of mine are allergic to spring. In fact, this is asthma month here.

I hope you can figure out a management strategy for it.

Sticky said...

Ouch on the allergies! We hate the potties too -
"too loud, Mama!"