My daughter is two. Most 2-year-olds take a doll to the babysitter. Or maybe a blankie. Or a purse. Well, you get the idea. My daughter? She carries a can of Dora Spaghetti Oh's and her (dirty) pajamas. Maybe she wants to move in with the babysitter. . .
Hello world!
4 years ago
Love it. For awhile my 5yo tried to take ALL of her favorite things anytime we went anywhere (random toy pots and pans, a broken Happy Meal toy, five stuffed animals, and a naked Barbie, for example).
You never know when you'll need those Spaghetti-Os! She's being "prepared"!
We too have naked Barbie! I have drawn the line at taking her to church, so she always has to get "lost" on Sunday morning. . .
my van is at any given moment in time the home to 437 stuffed animals all of which Tanner claims are his FAVWIT be happy if all we left the house with once in a while is a can of o's. LOL
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