Today did not go as planned. Ever had one of those days? I was supposed to get to see Kevin, run the errands I needed to run, and post Kyler's video from his program at school. Instead, I'm truly battling some "taken advantage of" feelings. I did not leave my dirty house so that I could come down here and clean my husband's "bachelor pad."
Let me back up. Kady is no longer taking a nap. Her sleep schedule is nightmare inducing. . .to me. For some unknown reason, God saw fit to give 2 night owls a beautiful little girl who just happens to be a morning person. The child is like an alarm clock--that never needs to be reset. 6am: "Get up! Get up, Mama, GET UP!" That's what I heard this morning (and every other day). We were dressed and on Target's doorstop at 8:30 this morning. (They open at 8, in case you're wondering.) I ran all our errands. I attempted to post, but the computer was having "connection" issues--who isn't? I've cleaned as much as I can, but it's just one of those days when one thing after another happens.
For example, Kady was laying down to take a nap when the lid came off her hot chocolate (lukewarm) and it spilled everywhere. (I know, hindsight is everything!) Kyler is beyond hyper, which is partially due to being stuck in this very small duplex. I've come a long ways on Kev's laundry, Kev's dirty dishes, and Kev's dirty house in general. . .What I need to clean up next is my attitude. I need a healing of my attitude.
I love my husband. I'm blessed to have Kevin as my husband. He truly is a wonderful man, who makes huge sacrifices for his family. I'm blessed to have a daughter like Kady, who took the initiative last night to pee pee in the potty because her big brother was. (FYI: Kady and I were brushing our teeth. Kyler walked in and started going pee pee, because my children have no concept of the terms "privacy" and "personal space." Kady suddenly said she needed to go, and she did!) I'm blessed to be able to take her to Target and buy her Dora panties as a reward. I'm blessed to have a son as full of life as Kyler. I'm blessed to have a son who is more coordinated, with better rhythm, and a better ability to carry a tune than his momma. . .or his daddy. . .How did that happen? I'm blessed to be able to come down here and see Kevin (even if it's not as much as I would like!). I'm blessed to be able to do Kev's laundry at his duplex instead of having to go to the laundromat. I'm blessed. Period.
As promised, here (hopefully) is Kyler's program at school.
The winner of the giveaway is Wanda, but I'm having technical difficulties. I will attempt to contact her on Monday, at which time, she will have 48 hours to respond.
May we all realize how truly blessed we are! Have a great weekend!
PS I am blessed in the nap area as well. Kady is (finally) taking a nap.
Hello world!
4 years ago
Plans are made to be changed. The only constant in life is change. Women are allowed to change their minds, their babies diapers, their husbands, their hair color. You got it right? (I'm glad you are not changing your husband!) I am also amazed that you find the time to write Posts! I already know how TRULY BLESSED I am, thank you Rachel!
Plans are made to be changed. The only constant in life is change. Women are allowed to change their minds, their babies diapers, their husbands, their hair color. You got it right? (I'm glad you are not changing your husband!) I am also amazed that you find the time to write Posts! I already know how TRULY BLESSED I am, thank you Rachel!
Oh, I have BEEN there. I think the journey of marriage and parenting is a constant exercise in surrendering our own agenda.
What's great is that in spite of how you felt about it, you did what you knew to be right. Your husband is blessed by you. God is pleased. And your kids have mommy who loves them enough to get up way too early every day. :)
LOL> Thanks for the photo tip. The perfect solution. LOL. Hardly. I'll let you know if I come up with a more workable one!
Hang in there, sister!
These days will be gone before you know it!
Take it from a mama of 3 teens. They grow so fast....enjoy it!
Your post reminds me of a not so long ago time.
Sweet to reflect.
Oh....thanks for picking me. I'm so psyched to win...especially CHOCOLATE!!!! Wow!
LOLOL...oh i have so been there. When we drove up to Wisconsin this summer apparently he let the mess in his trailer build up the last week before he knew we were coming up and he was too sidetracked the night before by a poker game. The trailer was a mess and i couldnt even unload the van cause i had to get things out of the way....
and yes you are very blessed to not have to go to laundry w/ 2 me...its about all the fun i can stand.
will look at finding a sitter next summer at least for the older boys whereever we go visit...
and yes you are very blessed to see him even if its not as much as you like...but i have to not much in the mood to see C right now..i am so sick of being pregnant i could just as easy be alone for the next 7 weeks...LOL
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